AR射频/微波仪器是宽带高功率,固态,射频放大器和微波放大器的世界级供应商... TWT放大器...对数周期天线和高增益喇叭天线... EMC测试设备...混合RF功率放大器模块和软件 ,现场探测器和监视器


  • 英文名称:AR
  • 所在国家:美国
  • 主营类别:电磁兼容测试
  • 供应商网站:
  • 品牌简介:AR射频/微波仪器是宽带高功率,固态,射频放大器和微波放大器的世界级供应商... TWT放大器...对数周期天线和高增益喇叭天线... EMC测试设备...混合RF功率放大器模块和软件 ,现场探测器和监视器




1976年 - AR推出首款10,000瓦管放大器(10 kHz -100 MHz)。它仍然可用,并且仍然没有平等。

1979年 - 公司通过100万美元的销售。

1987年 - 现在有75名员工在AR工作。

1988年 - 建立了首个100瓦固态,100-1000 MHz瞬时带宽放大器,重215磅。并且是29.3“高。

1990年 - 第二座大楼在总部完成。销售额超过1000万美元。

1992年 - AR推出首款500瓦固态放大器(100-1000 MHz)。

1994年 - 第三栋建筑物竖立在160 School House Rd。

1996年 - 拥有100名员工的AR销售额达到2500万美元。

2001年 - 该公司将其功能扩展到功放模块和定制系统,并在华盛顿州Bothell收购了Kalmus,现在是AR Modular RF。回到Souderton,第四栋建筑完工。销售额超过3500万美元。

2002年 - 加利福尼亚州卡诺加公园的卡内尔实验室加入AR系列,成为AR Receiver Systems。

2003年 - 创建用于汽车/军事/航空电子设备测试的首款10,000瓦/ 100 kHz - 250 MHz固态放大器。仍然是唯一的10,000瓦固态可用。

2004年 - 从地下室开始的小公司现在有125名员工。

2005年 - 新的工程部门和微电子实验室(洁净室)开放。销售额超过4500万美元大关。

2006年 - 公司总部新建15,000平方英尺的建筑,扩建生产设施以满足不断增长的AR产品需求。现在有150名员工在AR工作。

2007年 - AR推出首款10-20 GHz / 5 W瞬时带宽测试放大器。

AR began in 1969 with just two men in a cellar, moonlighting from their regular jobs. Don (Shep) Shepherd and his partner, Dan Roth, worked for AEL (American Electronics Laboratories), producing radio frequency design for military applications. They saw a market for their skills in designing amplifiers for test applications, but AEL was not set up for such jobs. So they decided to try and make it on their own, working out of a makeshift laboratory in Shep s cellar.

1976 – AR introduces first 10,000 watt tube amplifier (10 kHz -100 MHz). It is still available, and there is still no equal.

1979 – Company passes $1 million in sales.

1987 – 75 employees now work for AR.

1988 – First 100 watt solid-state, 100-1000 MHz instantaneous bandwidth amplifier built.It weighed 215 lbs. and was 29.3" high.

1990 – Second building completed at headquarters. Sales exceed $10 million.

1992 – AR unveils first 500 watt solid-state amplifier (100 -1000 MHz).

1994 – A third building is erected at 160 School House Rd.

1996 – AR reaches $25 million in sales with 100 employees.

2001 – The company expands it capabilities into amplifier modules and customized systems with the acquisition of Kalmus in Bothell, WA, now AR Modular RF. Back in Souderton, a fourth building is completed. Sales exceed $35 million.

2002 – Carnel Labs in Canoga Park, CA joins the AR family, becoming AR Receiver Systems.

2003 – First 10,000 watt / 100 kHz - 250 MHz solid-state amplifier for automotive/military/avionics testing created. Still the only 10,000 watt solid state available.

2004 –The little company that started in a cellar now has 125 employees.

2005 – New engineering department and microelectronics lab (clean room) open. Sales pass the $45 million mark.

2006 – New 15,000 sq. ft. building is completed at corporate headquarters with expanded production facilities to meet the ever-growing demand for AR products. 150 employees now work for AR.

2007 – AR introduces first 10-20 GHz / 5 watt instantaneous bandwidth test amplifier.

2009 – AR celebrates 40 years in business. AR, which now encompasses AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation, AR Modular RF, AR Receiver Systems and AR Europe, employs over 200 people and continues to lead the industry with innovative, superior quality, technologically-advanced products and a global support system that’s second to none. We definitely have risen far from Shep is cellar.



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